Saturday, 3 February 2007


I went back to my LFS to get my water tested again today. I was a bit nervous and felt like I was waiting for exam results! LOL!

Here are the results:
pH: 8.1
KH: 8 drops
NH4: 0,0 mg/l
NO2: <0,1
NO3: 10 mg/l
PO4: 0,10 mg/l
Ca: 400 mg/l
Mg: 1300 mg/l
Total score 97%!!!! So, I only have to tweak my pH and I'll have 100%! So I got 2 more corals and a lovely mandarin :-)

Here's how my tank looks like now:

And here's my mandarin & one of my clowns :-)

To my surprise, these are appearing on one of my live rocks:

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