8th June 2008:
Here is the tank. Water going in:
Adding live rock. For those of you that's wondering, all the live rock, water & sand is from my MATURE setup. If you so this from scratch, you have to cycle your tank first before adding livestock.
After all the live rock went in:
The liverock wasn't very stable, so I added some egg crate (the white stuff you can see sticking out) to make a little platform. This 'platform' is on a egg crate box that is behind the rocks. I've stuck a power head behind the egg crate to filter the water behind the rock. The egg crate doesn't look very nice, but it will hopefilly get overgrown with algae soon.
Here's is a pic of the algae I've added so far.

The CAULERPA PROLIFERA I got is very fragile and got sucked into the powerhead :( It somehow unwrapped itself from the rocks I placed it on. This is what the algae looks like...like green ribbons...
I'm going to get some more I try to plant then in the sand.

15 June 2008:
I got some fake sea grass & a orange ornament. This is for the seahorses to hold onto. I hate the look of the fake grass, but my banggaii loves hiding behind it so I don't have the heart to take it out. Hopefully I will have more 'vegetation' growing soon that will hide it.