I bought some test kits to test my water. All the levels where fine, except for the Nitrate, which was 110mg/l !!! We all know this is a toxic level. Needless to say, I was panicking. I bought 2 clark's clownfish and was fearing for their lives. This was the Monday evening and all the shops was closed so I couldn't get RO water. I had to wait till the next day, worked through my lunch hour and raced home to catch the shop open.

After some advise & closer inspection off the tank, I realized that there was an under gravel filter under the substrate of the tank. This filter was obviously not in use. As you can imagine this was a breeding ground for nitrate and it would have to go. The solution? I had to 'strip' the tank and take the filter out & clean the muck beneath it. It took me 5 hours of non stop hard work & I felt like crying. But it was for the best. I rinsed the substrate and added some live sand.
Buckets out again:

After all the hard work: